Art. TR012827
€ 77.14
Water pump
Pulley diameter88 mm
net weight2.46 kg
link applicazioni
MXU 100MXU 100 PROMXU 110MXU 110 PROMXU 115 PROMXU 115 X-LineMXU 125MXU 125 PROMXU 130 X-LineMXU 135MXU 135 PROT 4030T 4040T 4050T 4050FT 4050NT 4050VT 4060FT 4060NT 4060VT4.105F (Tier 3)T4.105LP (Tier 3)T4.105N (Tier 3)T4.105V (Tier 3)T4.95F (Tier 3)T4.95LP (Tier 3)T4.95N (Tier 3)T4.95V (Tier 3)T6.120 (Tier 4)T6.140 (Tier 4)T6.140 Auto Comand (Tier 4)T6.150 (Tier 4)T6.150 Auto Comand (Tier 4)T6.155 (Tier 4)T6.160 (Tier 4)T6.160 Auto Comand (Tier 4)T6.165 (Tier 4)T6.175 (Tier 4)TD5.105 (Tier 3A)TD5.115 (Tier 3A)TD5.95 (Tier 3A)WDX 1202
T 5030T 5040T 5050T 5060T 5070T 6010 Delta (Tier 3)T 6010 Plus (Tier 3)T 6020 Delta (Tier 3)T 6020 Elite (Tier 3)T 6020 Plus (Tier 3)T 6030 Delta (Tier 3)T 6030 Elite (Tier 3)T 6030 Plus (Tier 3)T 6030 Power commandT 6030 Range commandT 6040 Elite (Tier 3)T 6050 Delta (Tier 3)T 6050 Elite (Tier 3)T 6050 Plus (Tier 3)T 6060 Elite (Tier 3)T 6070 Elite (Tier 3)T 6070 Plus (Tier 3)TD 5040TD 5050TL 100ATL 70ATL 80ATL 90ATN 85ATN 85DATN 85SATN 95ATN 95DATS 100A DeltaTS 100A PlusTS 110A DeltaTS 110A PlusTS 115A DeltaTS 115A PlusTS 125A PlusTS 130A DeltaTS 135A PlusTS 6020TS 6030
Characteristics: The major cause of a premature pump failure is due to high belt tension. This issue is not covered …
The major cause of a premature pump failure is due to high belt tension.
This issue is not covered by warranty.
Please refer to manufacturer instructions to set the correct belt tension
This issue is not covered by warranty.
Please refer to manufacturer instructions to set the correct belt tension